
 Hello, my name is Shante Sharpe and my report is about my film magazine that I have created.

Outline of my film magazine and its purpose 
My film magazine is based around horror films and the latest horror films that have come out. The purpose is to inform my readers about the latest horror movies and it included interviews and quizzes

Who's the target audience?
My target audience is mostly young adults/teens because that us the audience that is most interested in horror films and are most likely to go and watch them in the cinema. I did decide this from my initial research because I am part of that age bracket, therefore I thought it would be easier to know what that target audience would want to see.

Where would you market your magazine/distribute it
I would sell my magazine in corner shops in the magazine section. I would sell it here because people buy magazines and newspapers from here often and if they see mine they may be intrigued and want to buy

What would bed the cost
I think I would sell my magazine for £3.50. I think this is a fair price because it's not too expensive nor is too cheap, it's a fair price.

How many times would it come each year
I think I would release an  issue 6 times a year (every two months) and an extra issue around Halloween. I would release an issue this often because it will give my readers a chance to know about all the new up and coming Horror films in cinemas. I would release and extra issue around Halloween because that's when most Horror films are released so i would need to make more issues.

Production Costs
One copy would cost £24.00 to print one full copy magazine. If i were to print 50 copies and distribute 10 copies in each shop. Printing 50 copies would cost £1,200, which is a lot of money for just 50 copies.


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