What is a regulatory body?
Regulatory bodies are legal bodies that govern telecommunications in different countries and for the United Kingdom that is OfCom. They control what is appropriate for television and radio adverts and they have laws and codes that they have to abide by.

1.Age restrictions e.g post watershed, a certain time they show programmes for adults
2.Offensive Language
3.Abusive language

Things to consider when making my radio advert?
what time of day is it going to be aired
what station is it going to be on
must not mislead

3 main rules of advertising
1 To inform
2. To persuade
3. to sell

What makes a good and effective radio ad?
1.Good script, play on words
2. Exciting and intriguing voice
3. The message has to be clear
4. Background music has to be good

Persuasive tools
1. Emotional Language
2. child character-empathy


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