45.A Radio Advertising Analysis: Style Structure Purpose and Regulation

Commercial Radio Definition: Commercial Radio is a radio station that generates revenue through advertising, also called radio commercialsradio spots or advertising jingles. The advertisements are released by companies which find the commercial radio to be a good medium to take their message to their customers. (

 Firstly I'm going to give a brief of commercial radio.
The first broadcasting of a radio transmission consisted of Morse code which was made from a temporary station set up by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895.The broadcasting of music and talk via radio started experimentally around 1905-1906, and commercially around 1920 to 1923. Stations with very high frequencies started 30 to 35 years later. From as early as 1890 there was already a system whereby news, music, live theatre, music hall, fiction readings, religious broadcasts, etc., were available in private homes [and other places] via the conventional telephone with subscribers being supplied with a number of special, personalised headsets. By the 1950s, virtually every country had a broadcasting system, typically one owned and operated by the government. Alternative modes included commercial radio, as in the United States; or a dual system with both state sponsored and commercial stations.Today, most countries have evolved into a dual system, including the UK. By 1955, practically every family everywhere had a radio. A dramatic change came in the 1960s with the introduction of small inexpensive portable transistor radio, the greatly expanded ownership and usage. Access became practically universal across the world. 

The purposes of commercial radio
There are many purposes to commercial radio but one of the main ones is to generate money to keep the station going. They do this by playing adverts that would interest the target audience of that radio station. For example, KISS 100 radio who are regulated by the ASA, play commercials that young people would listen to. They also advertise competitions that young people would most likely get involved with, they offer prizes like concert tickets and festival tickets. For the radio stations that are solely news based such as Sky News Radio or LBC, have less commercials and because they play less adverts, this means that they make less money. The more listeners they gain over time, the more ad offers they are likely to get, but these stations have smaller audiences.

Another purpose of commercial radio is seasonal awareness. Seasonal awareness is when radio companies try to get their listeners excited for whatever season it is, for example during Halloween time the radio station KISS 100 host a Haunted House Party every year. Radio stations do events like this because it brings in a lot more money, plus it's more exposure for their radio station.


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