
Music Video Unit 19 Assignments
Shante Sharpe  Assignment 26.3 The Publicity Pack Task 1: Initial research  The first film I have decided to remake is Catwoman Film: Cat-woman Genre: Fantasy/Thriller Released: 2004 Directed by: Pitof Introduction Catwoman  is an American superhero  film  loosely based on the DC Comics character of the same name.  About  a  woman who gains powers that relate to being a cat. The film was released in 2004 by Village Roadshow Pictures and is it set in New York.     Plot " Artist and graphics designer Patience Phillips is a meek people- please r whose main support is her best friend Sally. She works for a  cosmetics  company called Hedare Beauty which is ready to ship a new skin cream called Beau-line that is able to reverse the effects of aging. However, when Patience visits the  R&D  laboratory facility to deliver a redone ad design, she overhears a discussion between the scientist Dr. Ivan Slavicky and Laurel Hedare, the wife of company-owner George Hedar
                   45.A Radio Advertising Analysis: Style Structure Purpose and Regulation Commercial Radio Definition:  Commercial Radio  is a  radio  station that generates revenue through advertising, also called  radio commercials ,  radio  spots or advertising jingles. The advertisements are released by companies which find the  commercial radio  to be a good medium to take their message to their customers. ( ) Introduction:  Firstly I'm going to give a brief of commercial radio. The first  broadcasting  of a radio transmission consisted of  Morse code  which was made from a temporary station set up by  Guglielmo Marconi  in 1895.The broadcasting of music and talk via radio started experimentally around 1905-1906, and commercially around 1920 to 1923. Stations with very high frequencies started 30 to 35 years later. From as early as 1890 there was already a system whereby news, music, live theatre,  music hall, fiction r
26.2 Old Films For New   Pride and Prejudice  Genre: Drama/Romance Released:2005 Directed by: Joe Wright  Plot: In this adaptation of the Jane Austin classic, Elizabeth Bennet lives with her mother, father and sisters in the English countryside. As the eldest, she faces mounting pressure from her parents to marry.When the outspoken Elizabeth is introduced to the handsome and upper-class Mr Darcy, sparks fly. Although there is obvious chemistry between the two Darcy's overly reserved attire threatens the blossoming relationship.                                                                                                         The culture background of this film  The cultural background of 'Pride and Prejudice' would be English. It is set in the countryside of England and the countryside is very quiet and peaceful compared to the city, so the characters would be expected to be living rather quiet lives.                                                  
Report  Hello, my name is Shante Sharpe and my report is about my film magazine that I have created. Outline of my film magazine and its purpose  My film magazine is based around horror films and the latest horror films that have come out. The purpose is to inform my readers about the latest horror movies and it included interviews and quizzes Who's the target audience? My target audience is mostly young adults/teens because that us the audience that is most interested in horror films and are most likely to go and watch them in the cinema. I did decide this from my initial research because I am part of that age bracket, therefore I thought it would be easier to know what that target audience would want to see. Where would you market your magazine/distribute it I would sell my magazine in corner shops in the magazine section. I would sell it here because people buy magazines and newspapers from here often and if they see mine they may be intrigued and want to buy What w
Persuasive Techniques in Advertising (part 2) Q1, List three purposes of Commercial Radio 1. To inform listeners about things 2. To make money 3. Seasonal awareness Q2. Name two regulators and specify what they do 1. ASA- Advertising Standard Authority  The Advertising Standards Authority is the self-regulatory organisation of the advertising industry in the United Kingdom. The ASA is a non-statutory organisation and so cannot interpret or enforce legislation. However, its code of advertising practice broadly reflects legislation in many instances 2. OffCom  The Office of Communications, commonly known as Ofcom, is the UK government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the United Kingdom. Ofcom has wide-ranging powers across the television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. Watershed- Show movies, TV Shows and adverts that may contain explicit content after 9pm  Intertextuality- One advert usin
What is a regulatory body? Regulatory bodies are legal bodies that govern telecommunications in different countries and for the United Kingdom that is OfCom. They control what is appropriate for television and radio adverts and they have laws and codes that they have to abide by. Regulations 1.Age restrictions e.g post watershed, a certain time they show programmes for adults 2.Offensive Language 3.Abusive language 4.discrimination. Things to consider when making my radio advert? what time of day is it going to be aired what station is it going to be on must not mislead 3 main rules of advertising 1 To inform 2. To persuade 3. to sell What makes a good and effective radio ad? 1.Good script, play on words 2. Exciting and intriguing voice 3. The message has to be clear 4. Background music has to be good Persuasive tools 1. Emotional Language 2. child character-empathy 3.information